Kidney Stones:
Gravel or stone formation in the kidneys
Kidney or gravel stones (renal lithiasis, nephrolithiasis) are made of composition of stones which are calcium oxalate but urates, phosphates and cysteine minerals and salts that form inside your kidneys.
Kidney stones have many causes and can affect any part of your urinary tract — from your kidneys to your bladder. Often, stones form when the urine becomes concentrated, allowing minerals to crystallize and stick together.
Passing kidney stones can be quite painful, but the stones usually cause no permanent damage if they’re recognized in a timely fashion.
May be symptomless or with intermittent dull, dragging pain in the upper or lower back .testicle, groin, or leg usually brought or aggravated by motion .Haemorrhage and renal colic occur when stone enters ureter ,causing sudden sharp, pain, which may last for hours or even days .Sometimes with fever, pallor, frequency, of urination ,nausea, vomiting , and severe agony occurs.
Primary Etiological:
Vitamin B6 deficiency or dependency –
Calcium deficiency or phosphorus excess
Magnesium deficiency – magnesium helps keep calcium solution mobilizes calcium from the stone
Nutritionally induced secondary hyperparathyroidism
Potassium deficiency
Zinc deficiency
Excess acid (oxalates plus urate stones)
Excess Alkaline (phosphate stones)
Excess purines as in gout (uric acid)
Excess fluid loss ,or deficiency of fluids –chronic dehydration causing excessive urine concertation –high caffeine intake (i.e.) coffee
Excess of meat based protein, processed meats and excess of soft drinks .Meat and soft drinks contain phosphates which combine with calcium to form calcium phosphate oxalate form kidney stones
Excess in foods with high oxalates, such as chocolate, cocoa, tea, spinach, rhubarb, chard, beet tops, excess sugar, and high refined carbohydrates (also known Lectins are a kind of protein that can bind to sugar which cause considerable amounts of inflammation throughout the body via the liver). Eggs, fish very high in oxalic acids.
Secondary Etiological
- Vitamin A deficiency some macrobiotic diets
- Excess coffee
- Milk –alkali syndrome (ulcer diet plus treatments –e.g. milk and sodium bicarb
- Chronic urinary infections –stagnation of urine, increased salt concentration
- Excess aspirin use increases stone formation
- Excess dairy products
- Excessive sweating especially with occupations that cause extreme water loss or sports such as running can cause the urine to become too concentrated and lead to stone formation.
- Long term treatment
- Long term planning and diet is eating foods that maintain a better balance calcium –phosphorus ratio. Include plenty of fresh vegetables fruits, legumes, beans, Mung beans Protein kept at 45-60 grams. Salt is strictly controlled. Increase of fluids mainly water at least 2 liters per day minimum. water with lemon or lime .
- Actions
- Bearberry – to ease stone passage
- Couch grass – used for phosphate stones
- Yarrow – to dissolve stones
- Birch leaf tea – dissolves stone, removes uric acids but doses not over stimulate kidneys like juniper berry.
- Clivers –Cleanses blood, lymphatic system and helps prevent recurrence
- Marshmallow root – Helps expels stones while coating the tract with mucilage for smooth passage
- Buchu leaf is used urinary antiseptic
- Fenugreek –removal of toxins and helps with blood sugar levels
- Anti-lithic herbs such as nettle, celery seed,
- Crataeva help prevent formation of stones in the urinary system and can help remove those which are already formed.
Naturopath, Herbalist, Iridologist. Equine Herbalist, Iridologist.
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