The thymus is an organ that is critically important to the immune system which serves as the body’s defense mechanism providing close observation and shelter from harm against many different pathogens, tumors, antigens and mediators of tissue damage. The immune system is the body’s internal defense armoury which protects our bodies from all kinds of sickness and diseases coming our way. White blood cells are mainly influenced by the thymus gland and bone marrow to become “T” lymphocytes or “B” lymphocytes which acts like a sponge to absorb and eliminate bacteria. There will be times when these powerful defense components inflame and attack healthy tissue, giving rise to auto immune disease which manifest as of the numerous anemic, rheumatic or nervous disorders and even cancer. The fascinating part is that it is largest in children and only active until puberty – thus, it plays an important role in the development of a normal, healthy immune system, especially in a young child. As we age, the Thymus starts to slowly shrink and eventually (in the mid 70’s) consists mainly of fatty tissue.
Sub-acute nonspecific inflammation needs to be monitored closely as long periods of time passing certain indication of the immune inadequacy would appear. Weaking of the immune system through suppression of fevers by modern drugs.
White cell stimulators:
The following increase ability of the white blood cells to attack bacteria and invading cells.
Licorice root, Siberian ginseng, Golden seal, calendula, thuja, Echinacea (activates T CELLS).
Herbs for lymphatic system – Known as Lymphatics are a group that expend their influence upon the lymphatic system stimulating the circulation of lymph and tending to disperse glandular swellings.
Herbs such as Cleavers, Echinacea, Golden seal, Marigold, violet and Poke root, red clover, garlic, comfrey, shitake mushroom ,reshi mushroom,argimony and blue flag, may be considered for the lymphatic system the strengthen body defenses.
Castor packs daily on chest where thymus located will also activate TCELLS.
Thymus Tapping Technique.
Regardless of our age or where the Thymus is at, it is beneficial to connect with and tap the area as outlined below.
Thymus Tapping aims to strengthen our immunity and vitality. By doing this technique it brings a person into a temporary meridian energy balance. The more regularly we tap the Thymus, the better, as it acts like an energy toning for our energy pathways (meridians) and, over a period of time, helps us to stay in balance.
Thymus Tapping is easy do and the good news is, you cannot overtap it:
- Gently yet firmly tap a circle in an anti-clockwise direction – the vibration generated by the drumming fingertips stimulates the Thymus and also releases any stress or tension held in this area
- Do this for 1-2 minutes or so while focusing on your breathing (or longer if it feels good)
- You can do this with your eyes open or closed
- You can repeat this as often as you like – it is also a great way to energise yourself at the start of the day and can be easily combined with a grounding practice (refer below to other resources)
- If you are unwell with a cold or flu, consider doing this more often e.g. 3 times per day
- Optional:
- I like to place my hand on the Thymus prior and also post the tapping process, simple let the hand rest there for a moment to tune in and create a sense of connection (or closure)
- The palm of the other hand can be placed on your navel for additional centering.
References :
Bartram’s encyclopedia of herbal medicne a definative guide to herbal treatment of diseases.
Thomas Bartram
first published in UK by Grace publishers 1995.
Enhancing immunity and vitality: Thymus Tapping. – Complete Being Kinesiology
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