Herbal actions of Anti inflammatories.
Anti-inflammatory herbs are a group of agents to reduce inflammation. Action is not to suppress but to enable tissues to return to normal on the strength of its own resources. Some members of the group are useful for chronic conditions such as polyarthritis and rheumatism caused by a sub-acute inflammation going quietly over long time. Others work by blocking prostaglandin synthesis. Some types of inflammation may be reduced by herbs that stimulate the eliminatory organs such as lungs, bowel, skin, kidneys.
Herbs mentioned under demulcents emollients and vulneraries will often act this way, especially when they are applied externally.
Black willow, Bogbean, Chamomile, Devils claw, Arnica, Marigold, Meadowsweet, St Johns wort, White poplar, Witch hazel.
General use–
(German & Roman) Chamomile, Cowslip root, Fennel, Feverfew, Heartsease, Mistletoe, Turmeric, Yellow dock.
Specific use-
Bistort (bowel), Comfrey (bones), Devils claw (muscles &hip), St John’s Wort, (Nerves), Stinging nettle (Rheumatism), Poke root (Lymph vessels), Eyebright (Eyes) topical use as eye lotion and for conjunctivitis, Horse chestnut(anus), Bogbean (liver and gallbladder).
Steroid like action –
Ginseng, black cohosh, Black hawk, Liquorice root, Wild yam ,Boswellia.
Aspirin like action-
Birch, Black and white willow bark, Meadowsweet, White poplar bark, Wintergreen.
Naturopath, Iridologist, Herbalist, Equine herbalist,Iridoligst.
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